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Conferences and grants

Mikołaj Wolanin currently has 31 speeches at scientific conferences to his credit, 12 of them at international ones. Below is a list of the speeches at international conferences only:
1. Student and teachers rights during the pandemy [Prawa ucznia i nauczyciela w dobie pandemii] dyskusja panelowa, 2nd International e-Conference „The world in the age of pandemic and post-pandemic period”, 22—23.04.2021, zdalnie.
2. The universal right to peace versus war crimes and crimes against humanity [Uniwersalne prawo do pokoju a zbrodnie wojenne i zbrodnie przeciwko ludzkości], "Problems of war crimes and crimes against humanity" [Problematyka zbrodni wojennych i zbrodni przeciwko ludzkości], 13.05.2022, online.
3. Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Poland without any documents and their legal status: experiences from Poland since 24th February 2022, Critical Legal Conference 2022, 31.08—2.09.2022, Tromsø (Norway).
4. Activities of legal clinics as contemporary Aktenversendung [Działalność klinik prawnych jako współczesne Aktenversendung], International Conference of Law Clinics. "If not a legal opinion, then what? Modern model of legal clinics" [Jak nie opinia prawna, to co? Nowoczesny model poradni prawnych], 1—4.12.2022, hybrid in Szczecin and online, online participation.
5. The right to be a refugee and human dignity versus the experience of two different approaches to migrants from the Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Belarusian borders, 3rd Young Legal Researchers Conference 2022, 16.12.2022, hybrid in Hasselt (Belgium) and online, online participation.
6. Parliamentary elections in the light of the ECHR and principle of the exclusivity of the Act, Interdisciplinary Conference on Sovereignty, 17.05.2023, online.
7. Student ombudspersons for their own rights: analysis of the law in Poland, Children’s Rights, Participation & Education Symposium, 06.09.2023, Belfast (UK).
8. Student right to be protected, Critical Legal Conference 2023, 11—13.09.2023, Durham (UK).
9. Omission of the Constitutional Mode of Adoption of the Law – An Attempt to Find Reasons for this Phenomenon on the Example of Poland, IInd Graduate Conference on Constitutional Change, 11—13.01.2024, Austin (Texas, US).
10. Child friendly versions of documents issued by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and its partner institutions, Socio-Legal Studies Annual Conference 2024, hybrid in Portsmouth (UK) and online, online participation.
11. Incorporation of parliamentary customs on the example of Poland, ICON-S CEE Chapter Annual Conference 2024 'Unwritten Constitutionalism and Public Law in Central and Eastern Europe’, 12.04.2024, Sibiu (Romania).
12. Entities eligible to propose a constitutional amendment. A comparative study among EU Member States, 2024 ICON-S Annual Conference, 8—10.07.2024, Madrid (Spain).

At the 2023 Critical Legal Conference Mikołaj also served as an organizer of a panel (stream convenor). He will hold the same function at the same conference in 2024. In addition, on March 10th 2022, at Lazarski University in Warsaw, at the invitation of the Scientific Circle of Human Rights there, Mikołaj gave a guest lecture/speech entitled Student rights and duties [Prawa i obowiązki ucznia].

Since October 2022, Mikołaj is a member of theInternational Society of Public Law(ICON-S). Since January 2024, he has also been helping as one of the editors of the series What’s New in Public Law published weekly in the "ICONnect Blog" — an online blog affiliated with the "International Journal of Constitutional Law."

From April 2023 to January 2024, he was a scholarship recipient in a project funded by the Polish National Science Center entitled Appellability of rulings of administrative courts [Zaskarżalność orzeczeń sądów administracyjnych] (PI: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Piątek, Adam Mickiewicz Universty in Poznań). Since the end of the scholarship contract, Mikołaj has been working with Prof. Piątek's research team on a voluntary basis.
